The film begins with a team of United Nations astronauts planning an upcoming moon mission. The astronauts are both confused and intrigued by a man (Edward Judd) who claims he, his fiancée and a scientist journeyed to the moon 65 years ago and were attacked by "Selenites," grotesque, human-like antforms that live in immense crystal caverns. Now it's up to the U.N. team to attempt a lunar landingthat could be more horrifying than ever believed possible. Directed by Nathan Juran (Attack of the 50 .if your download do not automatically please press button beloww
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watch best movie: H.G. Wells' First Men in the Moon free streaming online in HD Quality
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 01:02
Descriptions H.G. Wells' First Men in the Moon Live Movie
The film begins with a team of United Nations astronauts planning an upcoming moon mission. The astronauts are both confused and intrigued by a man (Edward Judd) who claims he, his fiancée and a scientist journeyed to the moon 65 years ago and were attacked by "Selenites," grotesque, human-like antforms that live in immense crystal caverns. Now it's up to the U.N. team to attempt a lunar landingthat could be more horrifying than ever believed possible. Directed by Nathan Juran (Attack of the 50 .if your download do not automatically please press button beloww
The film begins with a team of United Nations astronauts planning an upcoming moon mission. The astronauts are both confused and intrigued by a man (Edward Judd) who claims he, his fiancée and a scientist journeyed to the moon 65 years ago and were attacked by "Selenites," grotesque, human-like antforms that live in immense crystal caverns. Now it's up to the U.N. team to attempt a lunar landingthat could be more horrifying than ever believed possible. Directed by Nathan Juran (Attack of the 50 .if your download do not automatically please press button beloww